Wednesday 10 June 2015

5 Things you can do today to increase your shop turnover

At Shelving Megastore we know that ultimately the more successful our customers' businesses are the more successful we will be.  Shelving Megastore try and save you money on the products you buy from us and we will offer free advice which we hope you will find useful.  So what can I do right now to start increasing sales and profits?

Lets start with the things you can do for free!

  1. Re-Arrange your product layout:
    • Place the higher priced and higher margin products at eye level.
    • Put low margin commodity items at the back of the shop, such as bread or newspapers.
    • Place the higher margin but also likely impulse buys where customers will see them while waiting to pay.
  2. Get Involved in the local community to get customers visiting the shop regularly:
    • Maybe a small board for local events to be posted or classified adverts.
    • Stock the free local newspaper
    • Offer some local produce if possible, for example there's nothing like fresh local strawberries in summer.
    • Offer cashback if possible
  3. Try and increase the average customer spend:
    • When customers fill their shopping basket they will stop buying so invest in some trolley baskets of large shopping baskets.  They will pay for themselves in no time.
    • Often in local convenience stores carrying the shopping home is difficult, if possible offer a carry to car service.
    • Consider offering customers personal shopping trolleys for sale or even to borrow, the more of your customers with these trolleys the better.
  4. Give your shop a makeover, this doesn't have to cost a fortune:
    • If the shelving epos strips are looking a bit tired, why not replace them? Consider changing the colour of the pricing strips for a bright new look, you will be amazed how effective that can be.
    • If you have products in the aisles, consider investing in some dump bins for displaying products neatly and lose the cluttered feeling.
  5. Increase the range of products on display:
    • Are you using the corners of the shop effectively?  If not corner shelving units may offer the opportunity to display more products.
    • Can you make your shop shelving taller? Increasing the height of the shelving is easy with upright extensions. For example add a peg panel at the top of the sweets section and offer a large range of bagged sweets.
    • Does your counter have displays on the front of it? A new shop counter can be a large investment, but it sets the tone for the rest of the shop so it is probably the most important feature. Shop counters with products displayed properly on the front will increase product sales.

We hope that you found the suggestions above useful, let us know how you got on or any stories on things you tried and the results you got, lets share all this information and help small and medium sized shops thrive. #Shoplocal

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